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Encyclopedia Brittanica's Adovocacy for Animals reports, in it's "Books We Like" section:

101 Ways to Help Birds
by Laura Erickson

Once the bird-watching bug bites you, will be become aware of birds everywhere, and your fascination will continue to grow. When you learn about the pressures on birds from reduced habit, environmental degradation, pollution, and predators, you will want to do all you can to help birds survive and thrive. These actions can be as local as your back yard or range more broadly, affecting your buying habits and your political activities.

In 101 Ways To Help Birds Laura Erickson has written a useful and well-regarded handbook full of practical and inspiring tips. She is a bird rehabilitator from Minnesota, writer and producer of the radio program “For the Birds,” and author of books and magazine articles about birds. These, as well as her blog posts, can be sampled at her photo-rich Web site, Laura Erickson’s for the birds.


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