NPR: Planet Money: Villanelle for Uncertain Times

NPR: Planet Money: Job Loss City
-- And seriously, the economy could be worse verse. That's what Planet Money editor Jonathan Kern tells us, in his villanelle for the economic crisis.

Villanelle for Uncertain Times

Though banks are suffering a lack of liquidity
And teeter on the edge of nationalization,
Do not succumb to economic stupidity.

Though Congress is demanding more rapidity
And tugs the strings behind the Administration,
Keep at bay financial rigidity.

The credit markets all crave liquidity
And Wall Streeters contemplate defenestration.
Do not succumb to economic stupidity.

While Keynsians say the budget reeks of tepidity
And scorn what's left of privatization,
Keep at bay financial rigidity.

Zealots always demand philosophical solidity.
Hasty action always trumps contemplation.
Do not succumb to economic stupidity.

Human nature involves some cupidity.
Self interest is the market's salvation.
Keep at bay financial rigidity.
Do not succumb to economic stupidity.

-- Jonathan Kern


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