NPR: Discovering Heathcliff's E-Mail Address And More From Famous Lovers


Discovering Heathcliff's E-Mail Address And More From Famous Lovers

heart key on computer keyboard Computer love: What would Princess Leia write to Han Solo?

by Glenn McDonald

Word is getting around about Google's new Mail Goggles add-on, which is designed to prevent the drunken late night phenomenon known as the Instantly Regretted E-Mail. When activated, the Mail Goggles program requires users to answer a few math questions -- a kind of virtual sobriety test -- before any outgoing emails can be sent.

It's genius, frankly, and it inspired me to revisit something I wrote a while ago about what might happen if some of cinema's famous couples had had access to e-mail. Were all of these missives written sober? Would they survive the math-question test?

NPR: Discovering Heathcliff's E-Mail Address And More From Famous Lovers


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