Tails of the City: The Healing Power of Pets
Amelia Glynn for SFGate.com
Two weeks ago, I had an accident that left a series of first and second degree burns on my shins. (Ouch.) I had to elevate my legs for the first few days of my recovery, but as soon as I was mobile again I ditched my Vikodin and scheduled a Doone pickup from my ex. I knew some quality dog time was exactly what I needed to get out of my funk and start feeling better. I couldn't take The Doone on our usual long hikes, but just getting out into the sunshine and watching her do her sniff-prance-wigglebutt-tailwagging-run-around routine took my mind off of being hurt (and wallowing in self pity). I took deep gulps of fresh air, laughed out loud at her silliness and felt... happy.Over the years, a plethora of data has been collected on the larger role dogs and other pets play in the health of people all over the world. According to a New York Times article, one Japanese study found pet parents made 30 percent fewer visits to doctors, while a Melbourne study showed that people with pets had lower cholesterol, blood pressure and heart attack risk compared with people without. Good health is clearly influenced by a number of variables, but many experts believe companion animals help improve our health at least in part by lowering our stress levels.
Dogs, in particular, have been shown to do remarkable things to boost the health of their people, including recognizing oncoming hypoglycemic episodes for diabetics and detecting impending seizures. For example, trained seizure alert dogs are paired with people with epilepsy so they can work together one-on-one. The dog will lick the person's face, block their path when walking, or bark to alert them to the onset of a seizure.More recently, dogs have been touted as potential cancer detectors. In 2006, the medical journal Integrative Cancer Therapies reported how ordinary house dogs could identify breast and lung cancer patients by smelling their breath. A University of Maine study is currently testing dogs on their ability to sniff out ovarian cancer.
Here are five simple ways animals can positively affect our health and well-being:
* 1. They help stave off depression and loneliness.
* 2. They add levity to nearly any situation.
* 3. They are great cuddlers and love unconditionally.
* 4. They give us hope.
* 5. They keep us fit.
Have your pets helped you (or others, as in the case of animal-assisted therapy) overcome an injury or illness? How do they keep you healthy?
Posted By: Amelia Glynn (Email) | November 19 2008 at 09:05 AM
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