Beyond the Trackable Cellphone

In my Times column yesterday,
I reviewed trackable cellphones. You can give one to your kid, and
then, at any time, find out its exact location via Web site or your own
cellphone screen.

Reader Susan K.’s reaction brought a knowing smile to my parental face:

“As a parent of an almost-teen, and one six-year-old, I am
pleased that this technology is being offered to parents. However, may
I suggest that the manufacturers add some enhancements…

“1) Mapping feature that will also identify the cellphones
(and owners) of people in your child’s vicinity. In this way, you
can determine if your daughter has been out with that so-and-so that
she swore she would never see again.

“2) Alert functionality, so if you *do* see your daughter out
with that so-and-so, you press a button on the screen, and a little
jolt is delivered to her.

“3) Mega-Alert. If number 2, above, doesn’t work, how about delivering a jolt to the so-and-so?

“Come on, we have wireless fences and RFID chips to protect
our pets. Let’s put technology to good use to protect our
children, too!

“Oh, and if this doesn’t work, or if your child refused
to carry a GPS phone or have a chip implanted in her neck, you could
always try the old-fashioned methods: talking, checking up, and
sometimes, just sweating it out.”

Not a bad idea, Susan. Maybe I’ll try that. :)