The Scientific Fundamentalist: Why handsome men make bad husbands I

...Thus, handsome men get a disproportionate number of opportunities
for short-term mating and are therefore able to engage in the cad
strategy. Ugly men have no choice. Since women do not choose them as
short-term mates, their only option for achieving any reproductive
success is to find one long-term mate and invest heavily in their
children -- the dad strategy.

Consistent with this logic, studies show that more attractive men
have a larger number of extra-pair sex partners (sex partners other
than their long-term mates). Interestingly, more attractive men have
more short-term mates than long-term mates, whereas more attractive
women have more long-term mates than short-term mates. Most importantly
for our current purposes, handsome men invest less in their exclusive
relationships than ugly men do. They are less honest with and less
attentive to their partners. McNulty’s new study of newlyweds
confirms this. Their data show that the more physically attractive the
husbands are, the less supportive they are of their wives in their

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